Июнь, 10-12, 2022, якутск
Материалы площадки
«Университеты как «ядерные» кластеры реализации Стратегии развития национальной системы квалификаций России»
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация Г.Н. Павлова - проректора по экономике и инфраструктуре СВФУ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация Шубаевой В.Г., СПБГЭУ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация Е.Н. Приступы, МПГУ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация О.И. Байдаровой, МПГУ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Иванова В.А., АФ ФУ при Правительсве РФ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация Н.Г. Тимофеева, СВФУ
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация М.П. Петровой - начальника Управления образования г. Якутска
Zero block
Click "Block Editor" to enter the edit mode. Use layers, shapes and customize adaptability. Everything is in your hands.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Презентация Булдаковой, СОШ №5, Якутск
+7 914 231-16-01
+7 924 464-84-04
677000, Республика Саха (Якутия), г. Якутск,
ул. Кулаковского, д. 42 (Главный учебный корпус),
каб. 251.